streda 20. augusta 2008

Moon in my room

I wonder how would I sleep, since the moon is shining into my room. Watching stars yesterday, I wished something as we saw a falling star, but I realized that it was an airplane.. :)

And then, when I just stopped thinking of you, I met you and I was happy that you have a girlfriend, because I can talk to you without thinking what you will think.

And after today´s evening, I understand the feeling of my ex-flat-mate, is it worth to have friendship only for few month until she/he will go back to her country? It is different from when I was abroad eager meeting people and when I am at home talking to foreigners.

1 komentár:

Anonymný povedal(a)...

from my practice: i saw once something flying in the night sky and then told others "I´ve seen the UFO"!!!! in fact there was an airplane :))

still aigul.