utorok 16. septembra 2008

5 breads

My father told me, a bit nervous because he was hungry: "Go and buy some bread. At least three!"

We usually buy 2, split each into 2 halfs and freeze them in the fridge. But he was really hungry. And sometimes I obey my parents :)

I brought them home and he wanted to put them into the fridge. As we didn´t have so much space there, he took away some other food-stuff and put there breads instead of it. Interesting idea, but he has fulfilled his task, to put the bread into the fridge.

My mother came home and asked: Why there is so much food outside?
And then she said: I have brought 2 breads.

Now we have five.
I feel uncomfortable, because there are people who will come to the shop and will not find any bread. Or children in Africa, who don´t have any money to go to shop neither.

My parents forced my to promise that I will not eat anything else then bread, since they can´t allow that it will go bad.

It is the second time in this week, when I felt (uncomfortable) rich. First time, when I saw all the fruits we have at home now. And a full fridge. But the life is much more than eating, isn´t it?

piatok 12. septembra 2008


Čo keď naozaj? Ako som Ťa uvidela, zrazu mi bolo všetko jasné. Možno za to mohlo prítmie. Alebo nečakaná blízkosť. Alebo teplo Tvojho náručia.

A predsa, na druhý deň v autobuse som si nevedela predstaviť, že by som Ti mohla všetko o sebe povedať, tak ako som ešte nikomu nepovedala. Lebo či ma budeš aj potom chcieť? Čo keď na to nenájdem odvahu a bude to všetko nanič?

Veď ktovie čo chceš teraz? A čo chcem ja? Chcem sa neponáhľať..