nedeľa 20. apríla 2008

Koľko stojí syr/ How much does the cheese cost

Thanks to Saška and Katka, now I know :)

The staff in KFC was litte confused about our ordering, since at first Katka didn´t see any sandwich. After little explanation by staff and strange looks we managed to come closer so everyone could hear our conversation.

Since I have been working, I realised that am not able to produce anything intelligent after the end of my working hours :) Like that day.. I could not understand why the cheese is so expensive. About 3 euros, only for cheese!

As Saška and Katka came to the conclusion that it costs only 15 cents extra, I gave up, because we stood there laughing about 10 minutes. After 8 minutes laughing begun the staff also to laugh and it seemed to be very difficult for them to sell us anything we wanted.

Thanks to 5 years of studies at the University of Economics I finally got it! Well.. it is so easy! But still tricky, since the numbers are very small, so because of wearing glasses and absence of brain it took me 9 minutes to find out how much does the cheese cost.

So, if the whole menu costs 119 Sk and the KFC version of hamburger costs 84 Sk and the cheese costs 89 Sk, how much does he cheese costs?

Right answer is: 5 Sk.
Yes, I know.. i cannot say without shame any more that I come from a mathematics family :)

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